Supreme Ice Diode 4 Wavelengths

Diode 2

4 Wavelengths

Supreme Ice Diode

“About Laser Hair Removal Our Supreme Ice diode 4 wavelengths technology is safe enough to be applied to any part of the body and was created with sensitive skin in mind. The laser device has a unique dynamic cooling mechanism that cools down to -16 °C and helps to calm, soothe, and protect the skin. Depending on the area and skin tone, we advise 8 to 12 laser hair removal treatments spaced 4 weeks apart for your initial course of care. We understand that everyone is different, so schedule a free consultation with our Laser Therapists is advised. ”
Diode frame
“2 Power Energy within One Device (1200 Watts & 2000 Watts ) One handle is 1200 W and the other handle is 2000 W which is suitable for different treatment areas. For the harsh and thick hair follicle area such as mustache or underarm, it is more efficient to use 1200 W that it would not burn the skin and feel less pain when treatment. While the area that is less thick hair such as arms and legs are more suitable with 2000 W in which the energy is high enough to capture the hair follicle for permanent hair removal. Our Laser Therapists are experienced in operating the different power handle energy and will combine the treatment to make the most efficient result. ”


The near infrared laser with wavelengths of 755nm, 808nm, 940nm, and 1064nm is the most effective at absorbing melanin, which is present in various skin and hair follicle regions. The skin is brightened and hair is easily removed with varied wavelengths, especially with long-lasting effects.


Stop shaving before it becomes more of a problem!

Reduce problems with the Diode Laser II laser hair removal program.


inflamed skin


ingrown hairs


chicken skin blister

Supreme ice diode

permanent hair removal

Unlike other hair removal options, our medical grade laser hair removal technology means fast, safe, inexpensive and reliable permanent hair removal.

Reduce ingrown hair

Laser hair removal directs a focused beam of light at the hair follicle. Lasers inhibit hair growth without destroying or damaging the surface of the skin, so even the most sensitive skin can be treated.

Convenient and affordable price

We offer comfortable specifications up to -16°C that are gentle on the skin at the best price.


Preparation and aftercare


The treatment area should be shaved the night before your appointment. Please do not wax in the 4 weeks leading up to your appointment. The hair’s pigment is required in the hair follicle for the laser to match and identify the hair in order to be effective.
Avoid direct sunlight exposure to the area at least 2-4 weeks prior to your treatment and always protect the skin with sunscreen.


Things to avoid For 24 hours post-treatment, avoid waxing, shaving, plucking hair, excessive sweating, exfoliation, saunas or swimming, heating showers, and tight clothing. Kindly avoid sunlight exposure for minimum 2-4 weeks after your treatment and always use sunscreen to protect your skin.

Benefits of Laser Hair Removal

Safe and effective technology

Our Laser Therapists are experienced in operating the market-leading Laser Hair Removal technology. Supreme ice diode 4 wavelengths is the one of the most efficient hair reduction systems. Our medical-grade Laser Hair Removal technology, in contrast to other hair removal methods, results in quick, safe, affordable, and permanent hair reduction. Cut back on ingrown hairs targeting the hair follicle at its root with focused light is how laser hair removal works. Even the most sensitive skin can be treated with the laser since it prevents hair from growing while causing no disruption or harm to the skin’s surface.

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