Venus Legacy

What is Venus legacy ?
Venus Legacy
Both loose skin and skin with cellulite are common complaints among patients. Skin naturally loses elasticity with age, which can cause sagging and drooping. Lifting operations are frequently performed to enhance the appearance of tight skin.
The new treatment is designed to address cellulite, tighten the skin and reduce volume on the body. Venus Legacy is a non-invasive device that applies pulsed magnetic fields and multi-polar radio frequency (RF) to create a therapeutic heat matrix over the skin. It causes a heat reaction to occur beneath the tissue with no pain feeling, boosting blood flow, triggering the body’s own healing process, and tightening the skin. As a result, the skin appears noticeably tighter, cellulite is diminished, and even confined fat deposits are diminished. The treated region will appear smoother and firmer right away.

Venus Legacy features four applicators: OctiPolar and 4D Body for larger areas, and DiamondPolar™ and 4D Face for smaller areas. All four applicators are powered by proprietary (MP)2 technology—only offered by Venus Concept’s cellulite removal devices—with the synergistic combination of Multi-Polar Radio Frequency (RF) and Pulsed Electro Magnetic Fields (PEMF). The OctiPolar and DiamondPolar™ applicators are most suited for skin tightening and wrinkle reduction. The 4D Body and 4D Face applicators are equipped with novel VariPulse™ technology, which makes them most effective for temporary circumferential reduction and cellulite reduction.
Are you suitable for Venus legacy treatment ?
The ideal candidate is someone who doesn’t want surgery but has pockets of cellulite and/or excess body fat that they can’t lose with diet and exercise alone. Additionally, someone who is beginning to lose skin elasticity and is displaying early symptoms of sagging and wrinkles is a good candidate.
You might not be eligible for this treatment due to safety concerns if you have/are:
- Infection or active inflammation in the treatment area
- cancer, either now or in the past
- a heat-stimulated disease in the treatment region, such as herpes, or a degenerative neurological condition
- a pacemaker/internal defibrillator
- Metal implants in the treatment region, excluding dental implants
- thyroid gland condition that is uncontrolled
- dilated veins
- enceinte or having IVF treatment
- autoimmune conditions that affect the skin